
Gjøa Front-End-Loading Approach

  • Client:

    GdF Suez
  • Field:

    Gjøa Offshore Field

The BPT modified compressor configuration & designs unlocked increased production valued ~USD 3 billions for the first 5 years of operation

In brief:

The Gjøa field is a combined gas and oil asset that started production in 2010. It was the first offshore field in Norway with power from shore.

During field development, BPT was engaged to review the concepts proposed by EPC and Operator. We utilized a front-end-loading approach to mitigate risk and enhance return of investment (ROI). The approach included extensive use of the digital compressor design tools (BPT-CODES), automated profile simulations and automated workflows running a large number of scenarios establishing the operational envelopes. These envelope were developed for components as well as for the entire production facility.

The initial findings for the proposed concept were:

- High energy waste by compressor gas recirculation
- High electrical loads
- Future need of an offshore compressor module installation

After detailed investigation the main finding was to install the “future” low-pressure compressor from day one, used as a parallel 3rd stage re-compressor, minimizing the power consumption and increasing the operational flexibility.

Benefits and key findings:
  • Eliminated gas recirculation and energy waste ($$$)
  • Reduced compressor re-bundle replacements to one single replacement for the entire field life ($$)
  • Saved considerable offshore modification work and plant downtime preparing the conversion of the compressor use and the piping system for the low-pressure phase, as part of the original design ($$$)
  • The BPT modified compressor configuration & designs unlocked increased production valued ~USD 3 billions for the first 5 years of operation (compressors supported the increased productivity available from the reservoirs)

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