Design and off-design calculations of turbo expanders for both steady-state and dynamic models
Turbo expanders are not commonly available as standard unit operations in process simulators. If a model is required, the user currently has to estimate or approximate the operation of this type of equipment. BPT-TEX provides a much more accurate representation.
What is BPT-TEX?
BPT-TEX is a process simulator extension that deals with all aspects of turbo expander in design and in off-design mode:
- Expander calculation in design and rating (off-design) mode
- Compressor calculation in design and rating (off-design) mode
- Expander inlet guide vane calculations
- Expander bypass flow
- Compressor anti-surge recycle flow
BPT-TEX assists realistic and cost effective plant judgements in a minute. Anticipate all operating cases during design and know the capability of your turbo expanders in operation (maximizing plant performance). This knowledge is essential for gas dew pointing plants, NGL processes, LNG liquefaction and refrigeration systems.
BPT-TEX is developed as an unit operation extension for HYSYS, UniSim Design and Petro-SIM.
BPT-TEX supports both steady state and dynamic calculations.
Examples of use cases:
- Gas dew pointing plants
- LNG liquefaction
- Refrigeration systems